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Regina P Brown


Regina P. Brown, author, instructor, speaker, trainer for the following topics: Real Estate, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, and Writing.

Don't Flush Away Your Dreams

By Regina P. Brown


What is a goal without steps to achieve it? That is not a goal -- it is a fantasy.


Ready to turn your dreams into accomplishments during 2016? The secret to making BIG, ambitious goals become reality is to WRITE DOWN your goals. It is said that only 5% of people accomplish their life goals -- because they write them down and keep the goals in front of them daily.


Did you ever notice that the older you get, the faster the year slips by? Don’t let another year come and go without anything to show for it. Set big goals and gain the satisfaction of checking them of your list, one by one.



















































Would you like a cool form to help you write down your goals and keep track of your progress towards milestones? If so, please message me for copies of my 2 all-new forms for 2016: My 2016 Goals and My Life Pie.
















































I’m rooting for your success. Together we will accomplish our BIG dreams.


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