Publish your first book!
Regina P Brown
Do you have a message that people need to hear?
Queen Bee Publisher
“We get your message out to millions!”
At Queen Bee Publisher, Inc. we help experts reach their target audience by leveraging strategic media tools. Whether it’s hardcover, paperback, eBooks, or audio books, we cover every genre. Our semi-self-publishing program is affordable for aspiring authors and gets them established in their writing career. We create world-class products that help indie and newbie authors get their message out to the widest possible audience!
Semi-Self Publishing Program
Our program offers the novice writer affordable self-service pricing, but with professional guidance. With our service, we use Print-on-Demand publishing to keep your cost low, and our online marketing system allows big retailers like Amazon to sell your books.
Queen Bee Publisher will:
• Supply ISBN codes and bar codes
• Have sample layouts available for book sizes
• Promote book through Lulu, Amazon, & online
Author is responsible for:
• Marketing & promotion
• Writing, graphics (non-copyrighted illustrations), layout
• Professional editing and proofreading
for a confidential inquiry!