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Regina P Brown

Find out more about our books today:

Books, eBooks, and Audio Books for home buyers,

house sellers, and real estate agents

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Regina P. Brown’s new book “Buy Your First Home: …” is a great resource for workshops and seminars.  Real estate agents clamor for their copy so they can distribute to their first time home buyer clients.  Realtors® use this guide book as a resource when they offer Home Buyer Workshops in their community.

Find out more about our books today:

     •  Buy Your First Home: A Basic Step-by-Step Guide for First Time Home Buyers


     •  Learn the Lingo of Houses: Reference of Real Estate Terms for Today's Industry Professionals


     •  Host Open Houses for Fun & Profit


     •  Super Sales Strategies: Reference for Retailers


     •  Kids, Open Your Art Shop Today: Create & Sell Your Handmade Crafts


     •  Email that Gets Results


     •  2016 Goal Achiever


     •  Lease Commercial Business Building


     •  Break Through Writer's Block


     •  The Playbook Game Plan


Copyright © 2013-2018 REGINA P. BROWN. All Rights Reserved.

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